We're giving away three prizes to randomly selected listeners who review our podcasts. Details below the fold.
It's a new year(ish) and we have some goals for the network in 2020. In particular, we've got our eye on doubling our audience, getting to around 2,000 listeners on average per show. This will ensure that we can stay on the air for the long-term.
We’re doing some things on our end – there’s going to be at least one new show this year, and we’re looking at advertising in some SF magazines – but we’d like your help, too.
What we’d like you to do is review our podcasts.
The more reviews we have, the more likely we are to show up in a search and to be recommended to people browsing their app for a new podcast. We think Elder Sign is at least the tenth-best podcast that discusses H.P. Lovecraft, but if you search for Lovecraft in Apple Podcasts, we’ll never show up because we don’t have enough reviews. Hanging Out With the Dream King doesn't yet show up if you search for Neil Gaiman, either, and we’d like to change that, for all our shows.
So what was that we said about prizes? Well, we’re going to give away three prizes to reviewers:
A free commissioned bonus episode on a story or topic of your choice.
A free nomination on an upcoming Patreon vote – (and even if you aren’t a Patreon supporter we'll count that as a vote for it, too)
A free trade paperback book inscribed by us thanking you for your help.
And on top of that, if we get to 100 reviews on a show during this period, we’ll do a bonus episode of that show – so potentially five bonus episodes coming your way this summer.
We'll choose the winners in early May by drawing names from a hat. You get your name in the hat by writing reviews -- you get your name on a slip of paper each and every time you write a review. So if you review each of our five shows on the app you use, that’s five entries in the hat. If you go wild and review each of the shows on apps you don’t even use, you can get even more entries. So the more you do, the greater your chances. (Also, if you've already written a review, that's going to count for the drawing).
And while we certainly appreciate honest assessments of our work, all we're really trying to accomplish here is to make the cyberpunk algorithms work for us rather than against us, so you can absolutely write a review for a show you don't listen to and even just copy and paste the same review across all our shows. "I love this show and I think you will, too" is perfect (and then give it five stars, please).
We'll see the reviews coming in, so you just need to let us know which reviews belong to you, which you can do with a screenshot (a collage will be great) or even just make a list. Send us that by the end of April, which you can do at our email, which is ClaytempleMedia@gmail.com, or you can message us on Patreon or Twitter or use our new Reddit page to brag publicly about how awesome you are.
So, five shows? But you only listen to one or two of them? No problem, here's the list of our five public shows with links to Apple Podcasts:
(And Atoz: A Speculative Fiction Book Club Podcast will debut in June!)
Thank you so much for helping us out with this. We want to be around for a while, we want to keep sending two podcasts a week out into the ether for years to come, and your reviews will go a long way to helping us reach that goal. And we're very excited to work with someone on a special episode commission and to inscribe a book.