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Lovecraftian Fiction
Literary Podcasts
New Episode of The Gene Wolfe Literary Podcast: Alien Stones (Recap)
Machine life, a beautiful empath, and an interstellar spaceship on a mission of discovery -- it's Gene Wolfe's Star Trek the Motion...
New Patron-Exclusive Podcast Episode: Star Trek: The Next Generation - Home Soil
Join Valerie and Glenn for a deep dive into the classic episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation that brought all of us the joyous...
New Episode of Lower Decks: Season Wrap-Up Spectacular
A sad goodbye to too short a season. Join us as we give out awards, discuss character arcs, and speculate about what's in store next...
New Episode of Lower Decks: Will You Take My Hand? (Star Trek: Discovery S1 E15)
SPOCK IS ON THAT SHIP!!!!!! Join Glenn and Valerie as they discuss the first-season finale. Join the conversation on the Claytemple...
New Episode of Lower Decks: The War Without, the War Within (Star Trek: Discovery S1 E14)
Create life from lifelessness with Glenn and Valerie as they discuss "The War Without, the War Within." Can't get enough Valerie this...
Bonus Episode of Lower Decks: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Duet.&
War crimes, anger, and justice. Join Valerie and Glenn for a discussion of Deep Space Nine's "Duet." We're covering this story because a...
New Episode of Lower Decks: What's Past is Prologue (Star Trek: Discovery S1 E13)
What to come is in your discharge. Choose wisely, and join Glenn and Valerie for a discussion of "What's Past Is Prologue." Join the...
New Episode of Lower Decks: Vaulting Ambition (Star Trek: Discovery S1 E12)
Smirk your way across dimensions to join Valerie and Glenn for a discussion of Vaulting Ambition. Join the conversation on the Claytemple...
New Episode of Lower Decks: The Wolf Inside (Star Trek: Discovery S1E11)
Hello, listener. Are you ready to get to work? Meet Glenn and Valerie in the clearing to talk about "The Wolf Inside." Want to speculate...
New Episode of Lower Decks: Despite Yourself (Star Trek: Discovery S1E10)
Travel into a parallel dimension and find your antithetical doppelganger with Valerie and Glenn as they discuss "Despite Yourself." Join...
New Patron-Exclusive Podcast Episode: Star Trek: The Original Series - Spectre of the Gun
Join Valerie and Glenn for a deep dive into the classic Western episode of Star Trek: The Original Series -- Spectre of the Gun. They...
New Lower Decks Episode: Star Trek Discovery Season One Mid-Season Spectacular
Now that Star Trek: Discovery has completed its first story arc, Glenn and Valerie assess the show, discuss their favorite episodes, talk...
New Lower Decks Episode: Into the Forest I Go
Lose your mind and find your soul with Valerie and Glenn as they go into the mid-season finale of Star Trek: Discovery and lose their...
New Lower Decks Episode: Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Prepare for war with Glenn and Valerie as they discuss the eighth episode of Star Trek: Discovery -- "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum." Join...
New Episode of Lower Decks: Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad
Listen along with Valerie and Glenn as they plunge into the belly of the space whale. Visit the Claytemple Forum to join the...
New Lower Decks: Lethe
Take a trip down the river of forgetting with Glenn and Valerie as they discuss this week's episode of Star Trek: Discovery, "Lethe."...
New Episode of Lower Decks: The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry
Join Valerie and Glenn for their discussion of Star Trek: Discovery "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry." Subscribe on...
Context is for Kings
#ValerieHoagland #GLMcDorman #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #Podcast
New Lower Decks Episode: TNG Suspicions
Join Glenn and Valerie as they prepare for this Sunday's Star Trek: Discovery premiere by revisiting the Star Trek: The Next Generation...
Lower Decks: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast
Our Star Trek: Discovery podcast is here. Listen to the Lower Decks promo episode featuring Glenn and Valerie, subscribe on iTunes, and...
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